We are thrilled to offer both acupuncture therapy at Seattle Veterinary Dentistry. These are drug-free modalities that can help treat many of the common diseases we see in our canine and feline friends. Dr. Mulvaney trained with one of the top Veterinary Acupuncturists in the nation at Colorado State University, Dr. Narda Robinson. This is the only EVIDENCE BASED veterinary acupuncture certification training center in the US and is the premier training program for Veterinarians.

You may have heard or read about these therapeutic modalities and are wondering how they work. The following is a brief explanation of the mechanisms of action and how we use these therapies in our patients.

1) How does it work?

Acupuncture involves the placement of tiny, sterile needles into precise locations in order to stimulate reparative processes. As medical research has become more interested in acupuncture therapy, scientific studies have revealed a physiologic mechanism of action, known as “neuromodulation,” which may be more simply translated as “talking to nerves.” As a result of this interface with the nervous system, acupuncture reduces pain and restores the ability and desire to move, facilitates recovery from injury or illness, and bolsters the ability to regain and maintain homeostasis. In the past, acupuncture was traditionally understood to relate to the flow of “qi” or “energy” throughout the body. Stimulation of acupuncture points was thought to correct imbalances in the flow of this qi through channels known as meridians. Today, we have a much better understanding of this effective therapeutic technique and how it helps our patients.

2) What are some common indications?

  • Degenerative Joint Disease (Arthritis) – hips, knees, and elbows are common in dogs, lower back is most common in cats
  • Post-operative analgesia and healing following knee or other orthopedic surgery in dogs – TPLO, extracapsular repairs, medial patellar luxation repairs
  • Myofascial trigger point therapy – release of tight, irritated areas of muscle that form within muscles when arthritis or other musculoskeletal pain is present.
  • Neurologic disease (particularly intervertebral disc disease)
  • Chronic renal disease, cystitis in cats
  • Irritable bowel disease in dogs and cats
  • Otitis externa (ear infections)
  • Urination and defecation dysfunction
  • Please call our office to schedule an exam and consultation with Dr. Mulvaney to see if acupuncture could be a helpful therapy for your pet.